Where can I find more information and ask a question?

The main source of information and the primary place for AIO Launcher users to communicate is the Telegram channel (just post your question in the comments under the latest post). Monthly and annual subscribers also have access to a private Telegram group. To join it, contact the author by sending your email address associated with your subscription.

How to buy app without Google Play

Send an email to zobnin@gmail.com, or send message to AIO Launcher developer via Telegram.

What you need to understand first about AIO Launcher

The entire AIO Launcher screen consists of information blocks called widgets. Widgets can be built-in, Android widgets, scripts, and plugins. To add any of these types of widgets, open the side panel, select "Widgets" in the bottom menu, and choose the widget you need. You can also find a widget through the search window.

How to move widgets?

First way: hold your finger on the title, then drag it to the desired position.
Second way: swipe widget to the right and long press it to move.

How to remove unwanted widgets?

Swipe the widget to the right and then click the "Trash" icon.

Some widgets take up too much space.

Any of them can be temporarily minimized/expanded to one line by clicking on the title or top right corner if titles is disabled. Also you can swipe widget to the right and press "minus" and "plus" buttons to change widget size.

Where can I find more scripts?

Install the AIO Store app from the Play Store.

Where can I find plugins?

On the official website.

Where's the phone app?

Swipe on search button opens quick menu with phone, camera and market.

How to add an app to the screen?

Add My Apps, Apps List or App Folders widget to the screen and drag any icons from the menu into it.

How to add a shortcut to the screen?

Add My Apps, Apps List or App Folders widget to the screen. Then hold the search button and tap the "plus" icon and select shortcut. The shortcut will be added to the first app widget.

Can I organize my apps into folders?

Yes, just add the App Folders widget to your desktop.

How do I remove an app?

Drag it from the apps menu to the "Trash" icon.

Why are all the "My apps" widgets removed when I delete the first one?

Copies of the "My apps" widget and other clonable widgets in AIO Launcher are implemented using an inheritance mechanism. This means the first "My apps" widget is the parent of all other "My apps" widgets. They cannot exist without it.

How do I quickly scroll through the side menu?

Click on a letter and then click on the letter you want to jump to.

I can't reach the top elements of the side menu when I'm holding the smartphone with one hand.

Pull down at the top of the list to move it lower.

I want to change the news source.

You need to find the RSS feed of the site you need (via Google search) and specify it in the "News - RSS Feed URL" option.

I can't connect Yahoo (or other) mail via IMAP.

Most likely you need to create a so-called "application password" and use it to log in via IMAP. How to do this for Yahoo mail.

I clicked an item in the news widget, a window opened with the text of the news and the headline. But the headline doesn't fit.

Tap on the headline to expand it.

Does the AIO Launcher support icon packs?

Yes. You can install an icon pack from Google Play and select it in the Apps settings.

Does the AIO Launcher support themes?

Yes. Hold your finger on the search button, then click on the "Change theme" icon.

Will there be support for the StartPage/Qwant/PreSearch/etc search engine?

AIO Launcher 4.4.1 supports any search engine. Just specify the search query in the "Own search engine" option, replacing the search string with %s. For example:

When will WhatsApp support be implemented?

It can't be implemented. This is a technical limitation of the service (there is no open API).

Google allows me to enter a mathematical expression in the search bar and get the result. Is it possible to do something similar in AIO?

Yes, just type an expression into the search bar.

I like the idea of bangs in DuckDuckGo. Is it possible to get something similar in the AIO search?

AIO supports bangs. Moreover, you can start a bang not only with the ! sign, but also with the @ sign.

The alarm clock widget shows the wrong time.

Due to the way Android works, the alarm clock widget can also show the time of reminders and calendar events. There is no way to fix this.

Hiding applications does not work.

By default, applications are hidden only from "Frequent apps". To hide applications also in the sidebar, turn off the option "Show hidden apps in sidebar".

I can't add a shortcut and don't see shortcuts when long-pressing on an app.

You probably haven't set AIO as the default launcher.

The shortcut icons disappeared.

You probably haven't set AIO as the default launcher.

AIO Launcher is restarted every time you return to the home screen.

Most likely your phone is "killing" the app. You need to find an option that disables it. Fortunately, AIO Launcher includes a help section for many phones with instructions on how to do this: AIO Settings → About AIO Launcher → If the app does not work correctly.

AIO Launcher consumes too much battery

If AIO Launcher consumes a lot of battery power, it's most likely because your phone is forcefully killing the app when it goes to the background, causing it to restart every time you return to the home screen. This behavior is common on Chinese phones. The previous answer explains how you can try to solve this issue.

App widgets don't work on MIUI.

Go to the application settings on your phone, find the application that owns the widget, click "Other permissions" and enable "Display pop-ups when running in the background" option.

Notification widget doesn't work on MIUI.

Settings - Battery and performance - Manage apps battery usage - Choose apps - AIO Launcher - No restrictions

On MIUI, AIO Launcher restarts after cleaning all apps.

Launch the "Security" app, then tap "Boost speed", then "Lock apps". Select AIO Launcher in the opened window.

App widgets don't work on MIUI or you can't open notifications via the built-in Notifications widget.

Go to the application settings on your phone, find the application that owns the widget, click "Other permissions" and enable "Display pop-ups when running in the background" option.

Navigation gestures do not work in the AIO Launcher.

AIO Launcher fully supports navigation gestures, but your phone can disable them for third-party launchers. The problem is with your phone, not with the app. On Pixel smartphones, the gestures work without any problem.

The recent apps button/gesture is not functioning.

The recent apps window is controlled by the stock launcher. Make sure you haven't disabled or uninstalled it.

Plugins do not work.

You need to exclude the plugin from all energy saving mechanisms (not the launcher, but the plugin itself). Also, try opening the plugin settings. In this case, Android will recognize that you are using the app (plugin) and lift the restrictions imposed on it.

What should I do if AIO doesn't detect my purchase?

Make sure you are not using multiple Google accounts, as the Play Store does not work well with multiple accounts, and also try restarting your device.

I bought the app a long time ago, so why should I pay for a subscription?

AIO Launcher has been around for over five years. Developing the app requires a lot of effort and time, and the subscription allows for continued development. Additionally, it also covers the costs of using ChatGPT, which is included in the subscription.